Latest Fall Book Releases


We like to keep up with our SVWC family to see what they are publishing—below are the latest book releases for the fall season. Be sure to add these to your reading list, and check back periodically as we keep this blog post updated with new releases.

Si desea apoyar a las librerías independientes, le recomendamos que compre en su librería local o visite Conectan a los lectores con librerías independientes de todo el mundo.

November 8 – Madeline Miller (SVWC 2019)
Galatea: A Short Story

October 25 – Stacy Schiff (SVWC 2015)
The Revolutionary: Samuel Adams

October 22 – Dani Shapiro (SVWC 2019, 2009)
Signal Fires

October 4 – Adam Hochschild (SVWC 2017, 2001, 2000)
American Midnight: The Great War, a Violent Peace, and Democracy’s Forgotten Crisis

September 27 – Kamila Shamsie (SVWC 2018)
Best of Friends

September 27 – Aleksandra Crapanzano (SVWC 1997, 2008, 2017)
Gateau: The Surprising Simplicity of French Cakes

September 20 – Alexandra Horowitz (SVWC 1997)
The Year of the Puppy: How Dogs Become Themselves

September 6 – Stephen King (SVWC 1997)
Fairy Tale

September 6 – Craig Johnson (SVWC)
Hell and Back

Si eres un antiguo alumno del SVWC y por algún motivo no hemos publicado tu libro, envíanos un correo electrónico a [email protected] y te añadiremos a la lista.

Crédito de la foto: Barbi Reed

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