Lottery Sign-Ups for 2021 Conference Passes Open Monday, June 7

Lottery Sign-Ups for 2021 Conference Passes Open Monday, June 7


We are excited to be back in person this summer, albeit in a slightly different fashion. Based on recommendations from our medical consultants regarding capacity in the SV Pavilion and breakout sessions, we have a limited number of passes for sale via random lottery.

Passes are $600 each and will be for one of our two smaller two-day conferences: July 17-18 or July 19-20. Both conferences will feature the same great lineup of speakers.

Lottery sign-ups will be open from 8:00 AM (MTN) Monday, June 7 until 5:00 PM (MTN) Tuesday, June 8. A link will be sent out via email when the sign-ups open to enter the lottery for one or two passes and choose your date preference. The link will also be available on our Attend page.

Random entries will be chosen and those selected will be notified by June 11. We can only accept one entry per person.

For more information on the new format for this summer’s conference, including our COVID-19 protocols, please click here.

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