Lottery Sign-Ups for 2022 Conference Passes Open Until Wednesday, February 23

Lottery Sign-Ups for 2022 Conference Passes Open Until Wednesday, February 23


Due to high demand, we are implementing a lottery system for SVWC 2022 passes, similar to last year. And not to worry, you will have plenty of time to sign up!

MARK YOUR CALENDARS . . . the lottery will be open on our website Friday, February 18 at 9:00am MTN (one week from today), and remain open for FIVE DAYS until Wednesday, February 23 at 5:00pm MTN.

This year, we are offering two different types of full SVWC passes. Selections will be made via a random algorithm. Passes provide access to all Pavilion talks and breakout sessions plus breakfasts and lunches.

Full Pass – $1,100 each

NEW! Next Generation Pass (age 35 and under) – $550 each (limited number available)

NOTE: Those selected in the Next Generation Pass lottery will need to provide a copy of each pass holder’s ID to verify age at the time of purchase.

  • Sign up for either or both lotteries using the link below any time between Friday, February 18 at 9:00 AM (MTN) and Wednesday, February 23 at 5:00 PM (MTN)…maximum of two passes per person per pass type. There is no cost to sign up.
  • Random entries will be drawn separately for both lotteries after the closing date.
  • Notifications will be sent out via email by Friday, February 25 with next steps for purchasing if selected.


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