SVWC Writers Speaking Out: June 20-26

SVWC Writers Speaking Out: June 20-26


Photo Credit: Nils Ribi

Here’s what our SVWC alumni have been writing about this week:

Mitch Albom  (SVWC 1997-1999, 2001-2005) – “Shunned by other countries, we long for the day to expand our horizons again” Detroit Free Press

David Brooks (SVWC 2011 & 2017) – “Bruce Springsteen’s Playlist for the Trump Era” The Atlantic

Jeffrey Brown (SVWC 2013-2019) – “Summer Reading Lists for Young People at a Time of CrisisPBS Newshour

Billy Collins (SVWC 2005-2006, 2017) – “Clarence Major Reads Billy CollinsThe New Yorker Poetry Podcast

Thomas L. Friedman (SVWC 2018) – “China and America are Heading for Divorce” The New York Times

George Packer  (SVWC 2008 & 2020) – “Failure is a Contagion” The Atlantic



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