2025 Abonos a la venta el 25 de febrero

2025 Abonos a la venta el 25 de febrero


It’s almost time! Passes for the 2025 Sun Valley Writers’ Conference will be available starting at 10am (Mountain Time) on February 25. They will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis directly from our pass page (svwc.com/attend). As in years past, we expect passes to sell out quickly—possibly within minutes—so be sure to mark your calendars! We also recommend signing up for our email newsletters, if you haven’t already, for important updates and reminders.

This year, two types of passes will be offered—a Full Conference Pass ($1,100) and a half-price Next Generation Pass ($550) for those age 35 and under, inspiring the youth of the Wood River Valley to become lifelong SVWC participants. Both provide full access throughout the three-day event—all Pavilion talks, intimate breakout sessions, book signings, Q & As, breakfasts and lunches, and a closing reception on the stunning Sun Valley Pavilion lawn. For access to private events with writers and VIP dinners, please inquire about becoming a donor.

If passes sell out, a waitlist will open on the pass page. We recommend joining the waitlist, as we do have cancellations. If more passes become available, those on the waitlist will be notified in the order received.

We understand how hard it can be to get passes for SVWC… and we know that’s frustrating! With limited space, we are limited in the number of passes we can sell. To help solve this problem, and to welcome as many people as possible, we have developed even more community programs and expanded our free events for the Wood River Valley.

Below are a few more ways you can join us, if passes sell out:

  1. Purchase single event tickets to select Pavilion Talks
  2. Attend free Pavilion Lawn Talks on the Sun Valley Pavilion Lawn
  3. Attend our free Community Speaker Series at The Community Library
  4. Charlas en directo gratuitas desde casa
  5. Attend our Live Watch Party at The Argyros theater in downtown Ketchum
  6. Consulte nuestra mediateca digital gratuita con charlas de conferencias anteriores



Photo credit: Ray Gadd

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