In Memoriam: Dr. Paul Farmer

In Memoriam: Dr. Paul Farmer


We Remember Dr. Paul Farmer—world-renowned infectious disease doctor, anthropologist, global health advocate, and author

October 26, 1959 – February 21, 2022

Dr.  Paul Farmer was with us in the tent at the 2003 Sun Valley Writers’ Conference with Tracy Kidder, author of Mountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, A Man Who Would Cure the World.

Kidder spoke eloquently of Farmer in a recent New York Times piece:

“His dream, he once told me, was to start a movement that would refuse to accept, and would strive to repair, the grotesque health inequities among and within the countries of the world.

“He was a gifted doctor and a deeply compassionate doctor, the kind of doctor we all would like to have…[his] love of doctoring was the ultimate source of his strength and perseverance in the face of endless obstacles and disappointments. He wanted to make the whole world his patient, and he made a good start on that.”

Photo Credit: Barbi Reed

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