2021: Stranger Care: Loving What Isn’t Ours

2021: Stranger Care: Loving What Isn’t Ours

After their decision not to have a biological child, author SARAH SENTILLES and her husband Eric decided to adopt via the foster care system. Despite knowing that the system’s goal is the child’s reunification with the birth family, they opened their home to a flurry of social workers who questioned them, evaluated them, and ultimately prepared them to welcome a child into their lives—even if it meant, most likely, having to give the child back. After years of starts and stops, and endless navigation of the complexities and injustices of the foster care system, Sarah and Eric finally brought home a three-day-old baby girl named Coco. Join Sentilles to hear the deeply moving story of what one woman learned from fostering a newborn—about injustice, about making mistakes, about how to better love and protect people beyond our immediate kin.

Read more about Sarah Sentilles here.