Breaking News: Three Talks Added to All Pavilion Pass!
In the spirit of sharing our 25th Anniversary with as many readers as possible, we are thrilled to be able to open up three more talks for All Pavilion Pass holders! Please join us for these additional afternoon sessions in the Pavilion:
Saturday, July 20, 3:00 – 4:00 PM Miriam Pawel The Browns of California
Sunday, July 21, 2:30 – 3:30 PM Kwame Anthony Appiah The Lies that Bind: Identity in Our Age
Monday, July 22, 2:30 – 3:30 PM Dani Shapiro & Abraham Verghese The End of Secrets: Family History in the Age of Bioethics
Please help us spread the word among other All Pavilion Pass holders, and we look forward to seeing you over the next four days.